Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lino Prints

  • To become familiar with basic printmaking history, processes, and artists
  • To make connections between the Expressionist Art Movement and artists who worked in that style, including artists from our past and present;
  • To respond visually to artists who work(ed) in the style of the Expressionist Art Movement, by creating a work of art in this style.
  • To print 2 editions of 2 different drawings/designs, demonstrating understanding of the printmaking process.


A one problem that popped up was not having enough ink on the stamp. I had about three different times where this happened and it was a simple fix. I just needed to put more ink on my stamp and rub it onto the paper a little harder. Another problem that occurred while I was doing this project was carving out the right spots so it would not leave ink lines where I didn’t want them. I had to carve and print several times before I finally got rid of all the extra lines. 
I am most proud of the designs and the neatness of my prints. I love that my lines came out so neat and perfect. The outcome of the prints were very successful because of this. My design was actually pretty complicated to organize and put together. It took me a pretty long time to decide where I wanted to put color and what would make it look great. In the end, though, I think I made the right decision of where the color goes.

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